Kids Ministry
We love to have our families worship together, so Sunday Mornings Kids are dismissed during worship time after offering. Please make sure to sign your kids in before service begins at 10 a.m.
Student Ministry
Our Leaders are committed to help students (6th-12th grades) become completely devoted followers of Jesus

Next Steps
Where are you on your Faith Journey? Are you still seeking? Have you called on Jesus to be saved? Have you been Baptized to obey Him and show others you are a Christ follower? Have you Joined a Bible Believing Church and discovered your Spiritual Gifts and where to use them in the body of Christ? Are you able to share Jesus with others and teach God's Words and ways as yo disciple others? We want to help you discover and reach your NEXT STEP as you grow closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Home Groups
Home Groups are available throughout the year for those in different seasons of Life as well as those looking to learn about certain issues. A great way to plug in and go deeper and develop wonderful relationships!

Find Where You Fit!
Serving Opportunities!
We are always looking for volunteers to serve in the nursery, sound booth, and cleaning or anywhere you wish to serve.

Life Kids Preschool
An Exciting New Ministry of Eternal Life Church to Minister to Families and Children in the Community